Post by angelasodee on Jun 17, 2009 16:37:40 GMT -5
Good grief, who is this person? anyone else notice that moffiefrommars stops posting and this one pops up?
I had a moment of feeling like a complete ass when this jened hit me with the ian's voice website. But I checked it. It is propaganda, regardless of its authenticity. I can not find any news source on this name , at all.
Am I wrong to state that regardless of how emotionally charged a story is, that does not make it proof of jeneds hep b opinions? Does it make me a cold hearted b*tch that although the pictures are awful, my first reaction is 'what does this prove?' sigh. I hate emotional blackmail.
Post by angelasodee on Jun 17, 2009 16:41:39 GMT -5
bah, raising awareness is the one that got me. although jened is fast becoming my new best friend as well. sorry for the misname in my prev. post. Tell me the truth guys and gals. Was I too mean? " RaisingAwareness I'm a Fan of RaisingAwareness I'm a fan of this user permalink Hearsay? Are you implying this story is just made up along with the faked pictures? You must really doubt your ability to distinguish truth from fiction that you make a statement such as that? iansvoice.org/days12thru16.aspx Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:02 PM on 06/17/2009 - + New seriouslykiddingme I'm a Fan of seriouslykiddingme I'm a fan of this user permalink Are you having fun posting this link over and over? What exactly does this have to do with autism and vaccines? It strikes me as rampant emotionalism and fearmongering. Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:18 PM on 06/17/2009 - + New sirenity I'm a Fan of sirenity I'm a fan of this user permalink photo Raising, quit being a dramaqueen. I am saying that anectodes are not science. I am saying that using emotionally charged stories (or experiences) to demonstrate fact is providing a fallacious argument. As for it being made up I am unsure. Not having a library with access to newspapers from across the planet in my living room makes it hard to verify. I am saying that a quick search of the child's name turned up 2,200 hits, I dug through a few pages and they are simular to what you posted.I ran a news search. Nothing. But, regardless of how completely horrific it is, one story, or hundreds of stories to not prove your statements of opinion concerning vaccines.
Post by mnballetmom on Jun 17, 2009 16:41:55 GMT -5
No, you're not wrong and you're not a cold hearted bitch. They are all about fear mongering and word twisting - but holy moley - they don't like to be called out on it. I actually have some sympathy/empathy for John and Craig - but every single time you give them an inch - they take a mile, and stab you in the back. So I'll spar with them and call them on their B.S. or their brainwashed talking points. I really struggle to believe that they believe all that spew - but then again... easy to confuse them!
Post by angelasodee on Jun 17, 2009 19:08:24 GMT -5
thanks for the feedback. I was having a girlie moment and feeling like a heel!
Post by kwombles on Jun 17, 2009 19:52:34 GMT -5
Not a cold-hearted bitch. Using emotionally-pitched stories to con people is one of the oldest tricks in the book and immediately disqualifies someone (as far as I am concerned) unless they then back up the story with scientific facts and are not using the story to distort the truth.
Post by mnballetmom on Jun 18, 2009 9:21:40 GMT -5
^^ This is totally off-topic but it suits as a reply to your post. The emotional manipulation is why I hated the waltz last night on So You Think You Can Dance.
Post by angelasodee on Jun 18, 2009 11:00:13 GMT -5
LOL, awesome. Some of these posters should get into drama